Happy Holidays....
It's been a very long time. I'd apologize for my absense, but I've been too busy with life to really have time for my blog. Not that it's nearly as popular and so many others that my online and real life friends maintain. Regardless, it's been a very busy three months.
I became gainfully employed again at the end of September. It was an unexpected surprise in my life and I'm so very grateful to them for having faith in my ability and experience to hire me. Almost to the end of my probation period and I have been assured I have nothing to fear. That by itself is a relief.
I've been kayaking, a nightstand for Halloween (get it, a night stand.....one night stand) and went to Gaylord Palms Resort for their ICE! spectacular and it is spectacular. I've never seen two million pounds of ice looks so beautiful......and it reminded me what 9 degrees feels like. It's COLD.
I was able to Christmas shop this year and the first packages are in the mail. One more package and I'm done with shipping. Now Christmas cards are another story entirely. A Christmas party, a Holiday party and Biff Burger's Toys for Tots Bike Show are past me and now it's on to my birthday and Christmas. Both will be over soon enough.
Oh and when I say Happy Holidays it's not to lessen the spirit of the season, on the contrary. It's to celebrate all holidays this time of year. My new company celebrates both Hanukkah and Christmas, so holiday wishes to everyone that does the same.
I can't say I've been this anxious to have a year over with in a long time, but this year, I'm looking hopefully forward towards 2010 and hope that it brings better things to each and every one of you, yours and the world in general. It's been a tough couple years for all of us and I believe that it will improve slowly over the course of the next twelve months.
Merry Christmas to all!!!!
Happy Hanukkah!!!
And best of all......Have a happy, healthy, wonderful New Year.
PS.......if Amber's muse ever returns, you'll be the first ones to know.